I returned from the road, walked into the back office and found Adam embroiled in a funny-ass phone conversation talking about mad subjects and trading quips and antidotes. Well, I assume at least. I mean, perhaps it was all a sham and he was just leaving a long voicemail message on his girl’s cel? No, wait, Dan commented about how Jon Stewart called perfectly punctual at 3:30. Hmmm……Perhaps it was Joe Barber calling? news.
The verdict? The dude’s a nice guy and pretty dang funny. And super punctual too!
Well, I guess that’s about it. Welcome to my new blog. I believe today marks a new low on the world wide webnets and I am proud to be contributing to its downfall.
This will prolly be by far the most exciting post, as after Jon Stewart, it’s all down hill from year. I don’t think I can even name drop Jon Stewart one more time before sounding ridiculous.
That’s the phone the phone used for the conversation!
1 comment:
If you sit behind Adam, don't play music too loud, he gets all whiney about it. Waaaaa
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