No, not beer. I know he doesn’t drink beer in the office. All the beer bottles on his desk are unopened…and warm. No, I am speaking of water. And actually, its not his drinking, but his gathering of the stuff. In the kitchen we have a water machine with two spigots of water; cold and hot. Many of us retrieve water there. I do as well. I fill my big plastic cup from Yankee Stadium with yummy, refreshing cold water or make tea in my mug with the piping hot water. Also yummy. I like the China Green Tea leaf the best. It’s the closest tea I have found to Ichiban’s green tea, which I greatly enjoy with lunch.
Well, Adam often forsakes the wonderful water machine and opts for lower hanging fruit. When thirsty, he walks only half the distance and fills up his cup/bottle/sheepskin at the water fountain in the hallway (the one with all the smurfs on top driving cars and holding poop or something.) I am not saying this bothers me or that Adam must be a sick freak, I’m just saying I have noticed. That’s all.
I will also say i recently learned the above may not be true. Well, the stuff about me is true, but new evidence and conversation with the aforementioned adam suggests he actually walks all the way to the kitchen. I believe he actually jogs or all out runs once out of the back office. very sneaky.
Totally not true.
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